anthony holt

Probate & Wills Services


The term “Probate” covers a number of administrative disciplines following the loss of someone.

I can help to relieve the stress and anxiety in such situations by taking on the complex paperwork leading to the realisation of a person’s assets.

A Grant of Probate is required if someone has made a Will.

A Grant of Letters of Administration is required if there is no Will and has therefor died intestate.

Both lead to a similar end result i.e. a person or persons being appointed as Executor(s) or Personal Representative(s) in the estate. That then entitles them to administer the estate by e.g. closing accounts, selling a house, disposing of shares and more.

Whilst sometimes the administration can be undertaken personally, it can be advantageous for me to be involved, particularly if Inheritance Tax is involved payable.

I may be able to advise on how to avoid, reduce or mitigate the effect of Inheritance Tax.

In such cases I would discuss fees at the outset as it may be impossible to give a fixed fee quotation.

In other, more straightforward estates, I am perfectly happy to give a fixed fee quotation, to act in the obtaining of the Grant and then hand over the administration to you.


It is very important that you should consider making a Will so that your wishes are legally recorded and entrusted to someone to put into effect.

If you have children or have been in more than one marriage, a Will is very likely to be essential.

It is such a wide subject that not practical to detail all the hypothetical issues which can arise.

Call me for an initial, confidential cost free chat first.